I came here to write something, but I can't for a life of me remember what it was. I've been in a really bad mood this entire week, I read the news and watch vlogs from people I follow and it only serves to make me more angry at the world. I hate the thought that there are so many heartless bigots in this country. I feel like if there was an event that was catastrophic and unprecedented in size and magnitude that struck the country and caused innumerable deaths that maybe just maybe people could stop being so fucking stupid and come together and be a damn species and stop segregating everyone by race, religion and sexuality. Maybe if enough death and destruction took place people would get over themselves. Probably not, more likely people would point fingers at some organization and just make them the target of their newfound hate.
It seems to me that people have this idea in their heads that it is not ok to be decent, it is not ok to get along with people. In fact it seems like people have more to hate and more ways to tell those things they hate, that they hate them, everyday. What is the point of this? What does it gain you? Didn't peoples mothers teach them as kids the whole "if you have nothing nice to say then don't say it" lesson? In all reality, no probably not. Being that I am on the internet probably far more than what is good for my health I tend to read a lot of comments on the various sites I visit on a regular basis. And more times than not there are people "trolling" which essentially means to go about the internet and find things then say whatever negative asshat thought you have just to piss off the person who created and or posted the thing you saw. Why? If you don't appreciate whatever it is you read/saw/heard then offer some kind of constructive criticism to that person to make something better in the future. Leaving negative feedback that has no real content just makes you a jackass polluting the internet with your negativity. Anyway it just really irritates me that this is the way the world is, and it makes me want to see it burn.
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