Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Art N' Stuff

Ok so I watched a comedian/artist named Bo Burnham this past week on Comedy Central and one of the songs that I really liked was called "Art is Dead" you can watch it here. In the song he talks about how those of us that grow up to be actors and musicians and comedians etc are often that kid who cries for attention in class. Secretly feeding on that attention and growing from it, he sings about how selfish it is for him as an artist/comedian to as it were "put my name in lights" and how nothing seems to be original anymore. He even at one point says "we're rolling in dough while Carlin rolls in his grave", that part struck a chord with me because yes you do see a lot of copying of jokes in the comedy industry, it just happens but also because George Carlin was a great comedian and realist and I can imagine that being a realistic analogy of his reaction to new comedy and art in general these days. But I think that we're just about to the apex of that era, that we are just teetering on the edge of creative lulls and about to take a dive into a new and exciting realm of artistic expression. Maybe we will get to experience something like when Andy Worhol first came on the scene.

Who knows for sure, but I would like to think that we will get out of this slump of dull movies, drowned out music and uninspired work. I'd like to go to an art show to get a refresh and perhaps some inspiration of my own. It's been forever since I've done anything remotely artistic, I've done a few sketches here and there and few photoshopped images but nothing really big or involving paint and canvas.  I'm not the best artist, far far far from in fact but it does make me feel good to create. I wish that I was linked to some people who have the ability to set up large projects and just create whatever they feel inside, like Linkin Park did when they created the album art for the album Meteora.
Anyhow, I'm writing a lot tonight because for the most part I didn't sleep from Saturday until Tuesday morning and then I finally passed out and woke up around 5pm. So now I'm going to be stuck in the cycle of not sleeping at night and possibly during the day, or I'll have to make it through all of tomorrow and then sleep at night to get myself back on track. That's been a huge problem for me being on unemployment, I don't have a schedule anymore, and, I have insomnia, so no schedule + insomnia = awful. But in the spirit of not being negative, the brightside is that I am the most creative at night, so I can think of a project I might want to pursue or at least accomplish getting some writing done.

In my spare time (which is all the time lately) I watch videos on youtube, not like "ZOMG cutest kitteh ever!!!" kind but the vlogs and channels from the people who are actually putting in some real time and effort into making new content. And the majority of those people primarily live in the greater Los Angeles area and their goal ultimately is that their talent will be noticed and they will make it, to have their own show or be in a movie etc. This is kind of the new age version of "move to LA and become and actor" because while they are going to auditions and looking at getting into the industry they are doing themselves a favor by getting on camera and being comfortable with that first. I think it's pretty cool that we can do this, and upload it for free to see if people like it, negating the need for test audiences, sets etc. I often think to myself damn that would cool to do, but then I think well I'm too quiet and not really the actor type so probably not a good idea for me. But in addressing my negativity and limiting myself based on fear of failure and rejection am I putting damper on my potential? I'm not sure, but being in the spotlight probably isn't the place for me anyhow, I'd feel like Michael Cera or something but inside wanting to be Brad Pitt kind of a complex. Anyway, before this becomes any more incoherent I think I'll stop for a bit.

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