Saturday, November 20, 2010

Zombie Jesus

Just had a thought, so Christians and Catholics believe that Jesus came back from the dead after 3't that make him a zombie? Zombie Jesus FTW, that should be a movie.

Chat with Otep

You know I was very tired and very near sleep last night at about 2:50am when I spotted a Twitter update from Otep Shamaya for a uStream live video chat with Otep herself. So naturally I couldn't pass this up because, if you know nothing of Otep she is a very intelligent and passionate person, and it's so awesome that she offers opportunities like this for us fans to actually chat back and forth with her. This time was particularly cool because it wasn't pre-announced so there weren't 1000+ people in the chat room all bombarding the board with questions and annoyances, it was just about 45-60 instead. I actually was able to talk back and forth with Otep via chat and she answered several of my questions as well as commented on my answers to her questions which was great. Outside of seeing a band or two for quick glimpses at a show I haven't ever been able to have that personal of a commentary with an artist that I am such a fan of. She briefly spoke about the upcoming new album and how she may use a fans instrumentation with her lyrics, as well as the different possibilities of covers she may do in the future. She asked what song of The Doors we thought she should cover, and she rather liked my submission of "The End" which was cool. So anyhow the chat lasted until about 4am and then I tried to go to sleep but of course my insomnia prevented me, so I brewed some coffee and am listening to The Muse until its acceptable to be loud again, then I can get ready for the day and get my ass to the bank before the state decides this check they sent me is void. Cheers.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Ok so I've been trying for a long time to get myself into a mindset to get fit and bulk up, but time after time I fail, due to lazyness or lack of motivation. But to be fair I haven't given it full effort, so I end up staying skinny and looking the exact same as I did a few years ago, which I guess is good because I'm not fat by any means but I'm also not fit.

So since I watch a lot of late night tv I run across infomercials periodically, and being that they are pitching to the lazy bastards out there just watching tv 24/7 they like to show workout programs.

 The one they happened to be plugging this particular night was the Insanity workout program by Shaun Thompson (Shaun T) a health/fitness trainer. His other releases are "hip-hop abs", "Shaun T's fit club" and "Rockin body" his bio can be found here. They advertise this workout as the toughest workout routine etc etc, the part I liked is that you don't need any additional equipment, just you. Now usually these things blow by me and I don't take a second look, but I thought "hey I'm not doing anything right now to improve myself" and the claim is that in 60 days you will be in peak physical condition if you give it everything you've got.

Like I said I usually don't get pulled into stuff like this but since I am a ruthless internet pirate,

I'm able to for-go the $120.00 price tag plus $24.95 shipping and get the entire dvd collection free of charge. So my plan is to start Monday, as the schedule is Monday-Saturday and my end date for the 60 day period is January 17th. My goal is not to lose weight (because I would float away if I did) but to gain lean muscle mass and hopefully attain that washboard ab look. I am hoping that it is as hard as advertised, I watched a little of the warm-up and it looks like it is pretty intense so thats exciting. Since I didn't have to pay for it I have nothing to lose only to gain, my other hope is to bring up my mood by working out every day, having a goal in mind is positive and a part of my new thought model so I am hopeful that this will help improve things for me. Cheers.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Friday, November 12, 2010

I'm an American

So where are we?
injustice is justice these days
the rich still go to the bank every tuesday
the poor still stress and fret
Wars are raging and the dead still pile up
Millionares run for office and problems remain unchanged
bankers pocket your money and you are nonethewiser
secrets held from your ears like whispers in a dark room
fed a dream that can never become reality
chasing money so we can buy shit we don't need
drowning in debt only to be pushed further under by those who lend their hand fiscally
"I have a dream" just means "fuck you whitey"
they say we are free but who knows what freedom is
changing the books behind closed doors
telling the public what the new law is when they had no vote
democracy is hypocrisy and freedom isn't free
ain't no such thing as a free lunch

So where are we?
living with our heads in the clouds
not caring whats below
endless reckless decadence
while children starve and die across the world we choose what "value meal" sounds the best
our heroes return shunned, battered and dismembered, forgotten
we care not for new laws that restrict our lives, only what celebrity forgot to wear panties
education is no longer priority
what does talent have to do with fame?
falling fast and fancy free we are the last generation with common sense
fear mongering and marketing ploys dictate our subconscious ideals
tv and magazines tell us what beauty is instead of letting us discover it for ourselves
prescription drugs fill our bathroom cabinets while we're told plants are illegal
that which does not line their pockets will be demonized
on the brink of worldwide war yet deaf dumb and blind
So where are we...

Friday, November 5, 2010

Things about TV/Movies that are inaccurate/stupid

Ok so before I get started I just want to point out that I do know that movie and television effects and writing techniques are made for entertainment purposes and are not meant to represent reality, however with the increasing awareness of the general public these gimmicks are increasingly annoying. 

The entertainment industry puts in effects and scenarios into movies and tv shows that are simply..inaccurate. I'll list off a few that bug me particularly.

1. Guns: Anyone who has shot a firearm in real life knows that guns are much louder, powerful, harder to aim, and have limited ammo capacity. Often in the entertainment business they need to play this down in order to suit their needs. We see people who are not of the body type or strength that it would take to maneuver the weapon that they are holding, for example; Mila jovavich in the Resident Evil series often has twin .45 caliber pistols or a .357 magnum revolver, the kickback of each of these weapons is enough to throwback her wrist and hand with each shot, however you see her fire in rapid succession entire magazines with each shot having pin point accuracy. This is not impossible but very difficult and a feat that some of the most proficient and well trained professional shooters are capable of. But all of that being said, for the sake of the character and the story it wouldn't make much sense for Alice' character to be a bad shot would it, it would make her less badass and weaken the intensity of the movie. The second problem with guns in movies/tv is ammo, often times a character will fire more bullets than the specific gun they are holding is capable of firing in one clip. This might not bother some people because they can assume "ok well they reloaded at some point when the camera wasn't on them", ok for some, sure. But when a character has a weapon such as a .38 revolver that has a max capacity of 5 rounds and they fire 12 rounds without reloading, thats annoying. Or in movies like Underworld where Selene has twin Beretta 92FS's and seems to have infinite bullets (and fully automatic) when the max capacity is 15 round magazines unless extended clips are used which they weren't in the movie. Perhaps not everyone notices these things but I certainly do, I count how many rounds fired from each persons gun and evaluate the accuracy of it. I do like it when a movie can properly execute how many bullets are fired and when a character needs to reload in real time.

2. Blood: A lot of times blood is just thrown around and the audience is just supposed to accept whatever consistency, direction, spatter pattern etc that is used. The horror genre is the biggest offender here, particularly with stab victims. The blood used in horror movies is of a consistency that is closer that of already coagulated blood (from an already dead body used for a fresh victim) and it just pours out like jelly from a jar, thats annoying. I like shows like Dexter that are pretty dead on (pun intended) to the real deal, being that he is a blood spatter analyst it would receive a lot of negative feed back from the fans if they didn't 

3. Cars: This one is less of an inaccuracy and more just a personal irritation. Old school muscle cars are used in a lot of action movies and rightfully so, they possess the stance and presence needed for movies like that. The problem I have is that a lot of times these cars get destroyed, I'm a car lover and particularly of the 60's-70's muscle car variety so seeing one of these bad boys get blown up or crashed or dropped off a cliff is much more heart wrenching than if the main character dies to me. This is because that is a real and tangible car, whether it is a kit car or not you don't really know but an example is in Iron Man when Tony Stark falls through the floor of his multimillion dollar villa and smashes a 1967 Shelby Cobra, which I cringed at, I would have much rather seen him hit the the Saleen S7, which is a beautiful car but worth far less in my opinion. Oh another amazing car that was destroyed in the name of film was Eleanor the 1967 Ford Mustang GT 500 from Gone in 60 Seconds that was ultimately crushed, sad face. 

4. To be Continued...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Vocal Entropy

Have you ever come to a stand still in your life and just stopped and asked yourself "what am I doing here?" not like you are confused as to where you are but in reference to your progress as a human being, as an adult. Lately my answer to that question is "not enough". It feels like I should be further along, I should have my MBA, I should have a $100,000+ a year job, I should own a home, a dog, whatever it takes to feel..normal..whatever that is. It just seems like I am climbing a hill with no apex, a stairmaster with no off switch, always moving but never going anywhere. In short, I don't feel I have accomplished much in life, moreover I have failed cataclysmic-ally. I've been receiving complements lately and more than just from my mother and it is nice to hear and appreciated, yet I can't help but feel it is undeserved. This lies with my need to become more positive and less negative, but that begs the question how to flip the poles?

Admittedly I have not done much to improve myself since the negativity post. However a break did finally come, via a friend I may have a job, which he assures me is a terrible one. But that doesn't really sway my opinion nor need for work, my schedule prior to being laid off was filled with work, 6 day weeks at 10 or more hours a day. Work is how I fill the void, it is how I cope. Honestly if I could have my own office separate from my home and could be paid to do the things I already do (market analysis, product review, photo editing, writing etc.) I could easily put in 16 hour days, however I don't know how to make that happen, but it would be interesting however improvable. It seems I always end up at the same conclusion; my ambition far exceeds my talents.

Anyway, seeing my friends and family succeed and be happy in life makes me jealous, which is wrong but it doesn't excuse the fact that I am. I see people with their husbands and wives and children and think, why couldn't my life have gone that way? Instead I am fighting a never ending battle with someone who I at one point wanted to share the rest of my life with, what kind of vicious fiend would ever wish that kind of torment on anyone? It's a plaguing thought, yet I am not able to speak of this to anyone (however posting it on public forum) because it would make me appear to still be attached to my ex. However the problem with a divorce when children are involved is that children are involved. So not only has one party destroyed the others life but the life of an innocent child, and depending the situation but in most cases the father pays the mother child support until the child is 18. Meaning that they are intrinsically involved in one another's lives up until that time, financially and emotionally for the child, exchanging custody and visitation. This for me is like being in a room with no windows and one door which is welded shut with crack at the bottom, I want to be involved in my sons life and I want to raise him, he means everything to me, but all I can do is pass notes under the door.  I am trying to make the best of things by making the time I have with my son count, he knows that I love him and he loves me too which is a feeling that I can't describe.

I decided a while ago, perhaps 11 or so months ago that I will remain single until I think that I would want to get into anything serious. I don't believe that its fair to anyone to get involved in my situation without fully understanding it. Perhaps if I can by chance run into that perfect girl, what are odds of that. But I need to find a way to be happy just being me, I find that I placed too much reliance of my own happiness into significant others in the past, and then when things would end it made it that much harder to move on and find someone else because I would feel that I wasn't able to be happy.. Which isn't true, however I have always been bad at expressing emotion, even making an upward inflection in my voice seems trying at times. I am not sure what it will take to get me back to a feeling of happiness, or if that is even possible, maybe just being ok with things would be a step in the right direction.