I've heard a lot recently about people saying there is a problem in this country with "childhood obesity", they aren't saying "oh johnny is a little chubby" no they're talking about full on bed ridden fat kids. What I don't understand is, ALL OF IT! Ok first, these are kids, they haven't even been alive that long, how do they get that fat that quick? Is this all an exaggeration? I mean how is this even a problem? I'll tell you how, bad parenting. Time after time I see this parent or this nutritionist attacking the fast food industry and wanting some kind of avant guard battle royale against McDonalds or Wendy's. If your kid is really that fat, here's our solution, stop fucking feeding them bad food! Change their diet, you're the parent dipshit, you have that capability. If fatty can't walk up the stairs at the elementary school then feed him nothing but celery and salad for 3 months. That's an exaggeration but the point is clear, this is a non-existent problem invented by people who want to avoid the real issue, they can't control their damn kids. I mean it isn't like these kids have bank accounts (rich asshole kids with credit/debit cards don't count) and can go to mcdonalds or wingstop on their own. It just pisses me off that things like this get considered "an epidemic" in this country, its pathetic that more people die in America from eating themselves to death than anything else. While countries like Ethiopia battle starvation, disease, and natural disaster.
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